Transformation Techniques – UPGRADE Individual Readings


By additional booking of this offer a practical and energetic UPGRADE of your single reading takes place by transformative holistic single techniques, which I select and carry out under consideration of the regularities from the 8th chakra for you.

They can be physical concrete tools as well as purely subtle tools that come from the practice teachings of the Alpha Chi Consultant (energetic and spiritual practice consulting).



These transformation tools as UPGRADE are very helpful if in your previous individual reading certain life and behavioral structures reveal themselves, which are no longer serving you, want to be said goodbye and dissolved more deeply, in order to overcome life thresholds, to enable more balance, a broader stability and fresh orientation towards the new for your own life path.

These transformation techniques can support you

  • clearing old structures and patterns from your inner energy flow
  • To set impulses for new structures
  • to dissolve emotional chains
  • to activate the self-healing powers through targeted body fengshui
  • find more peace with yourself
  • Enable new everyday flow and self-empowerment

Usually in this UPGRADE a transformation tool is brought to practical use for you.


An already passed single reading with me (numerological Akasha- or dream interpretation reading or a tarot reading)

Procedure and duration:

After your one-on-one reading, the transformation tool clarifies for you and we schedule a practice appointment, which is conducted in a joint online meeting via ZOOM.

The practice time may take about 20-40 min and vary somewhat depending on the individual case, as well as tool selection.

Barathi’s consultations on various life issues have always moved a lot in me. Some consultations are still with me today, teaching me over and over again and gradually giving me more depth to understand.

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